Support Us

Support Us
Rockford Choral Union receives no public funding and is managed entirely by volunteers who each year must raise approximately $25,000 to meet the expenses of presenting two concerts of Messiah.  These expenses include a regional choir directed by a professional conductor, a chamber orchestra of top area professional musicians, a pipe organist, a harpsichordist, a trumpet soloist, four internationally-acclaimed vocal soloists and a variety of logistical issues that challenge us every year.

We are grateful to the many people, churches, businesses and foundations that provide significant financial support to the Rockford Choral Union through their sponsorships, memorials and special gifts.
Support Us
Make a Donation

Although a free-will offering is received at each concert, this gathers only a small portion of the funds needed to sustain this annual event and we rely on generous donations from individuals and businesses.  All contributions, large and small, are welcomed and used wisely.
Support Us
Become a Sponsor

RCU Sponsorships provide a foundation to continue with Confidence the tradition of sharing the Messiah with the community. Sponsorships can be listed as corporate sponsors or as a donation or a memorial from an individual, family or business. Special program listings are made for sustaining gifts of $100 or more.
Support Us
Thrivent Choice Dollars

If you are a qualified Thrivent Policy holder, please consider Thrivent Choice Dollars to help support Rockford Choral Union. Annual contributions can be made to RCU by any qualified Thrivent Policy holder.