From Our Conductor...

From Our Conductor...
From Our Conductor...
Greetings, Fellow Musicians,
    Again, another year has flown by, and I am looking forward to seeing you and making wonderful music! My summer has been one of playing chamber music, orchestra performances, and accompanying choir cantatas. The last part has become more and more important for me: how do other conductors warm up? How do they conduct choirs with and without orchestra? How do they work on diction? How do they run rehearsals? How do they interact with the choir? These are all things that I am always trying to improve on!
    Most importantly, I was able to recharge my batteries physically, musically, and spiritually. The four weeks I spend at Lutheran Summer Music are always wonderful. I get to not only take part in the above activities but also experience them within a nurturing spiritual environment and in the wonderful Chapel of the Resurrection on the campus of Valparaiso University in Indiana. Mornings and evenings are devoted to singing and prayer. Lutheran Summer Music not only helps me attempt to be centered but also helps me develop my voice!
    Our performance last year was THE BEST performance I have had the pleasure to be involved in: from the soloists, to the orchestra, to you, the choir! Again, having been involved with this organization since 1985, I can easily say last year’s performance was a highlight for me in my career! People that I trust musically in the audience gave the performance very high praise! I think we have hit a groove and it’s great to be a part of it!
    What do we do then this year? What comes to mind is that we continue to work on musicality: increased work on diction (what I am always learning in the score and from you), increased tempi paired with lighter singing, and, in particular, more coloring and shading to increase dramatic elements. These are just a few of my thoughts from the past year.  I have enjoyed picking the thoughts of choir directors that I admire and respect. So, yes, we are going to be building on the strengths from last year to create an even more powerful and musical experience for us and for our audiences.
    The main thing I want you to know is how impressed and blessed I am to work with all of you. You come prepared to rehearsals and our work together is always efficient and yet always musically fulfilling. I hope you plan on joining us again this year for our 78th annual presentation!
   Sincerely, Mike Beert, Conductor

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