From Our Conductor…

From Our Conductor…
Greetings, Everyone!
The year has flown by SO fast! Summer is a blur due to music festivals and travel. The good thing about being involved in music is that summers are wonderful times to recharge the batteries for the fall! Even though it has been almost a year since our last performance, my memory reminds me that our performance last year was one of the best I can remember being involved in. That goes back to when I started playing in the Choral Union orchestra back in 1985 – almost 40 years!

Your performance was memorable in many ways: fantastic diction, enthusiasm in delivering the message, faster tempos, great musicianship along with other superlatives! I was extremely happy with your work and with the entire package. I know this year’s performances will be even stronger! I would like to add an additional chorus number, “He Trusted In God” for this year’s performances, so I hope you can take a good look at that piece. We’ll find a happy medium between speed and delivery so the message will be even stronger.

I have been going through a spiritual journey of sorts this year, trying to tackle the importance of the message Isaiah has given to us in the Old Testament. So much of his words speak so freshly to us in Messiah that it’s hard not to think about his words and prophecy. I keep coming back to one message I heard this Spring at a Synod-wide meeting: Isaiah was telling the captive Israelites all the sins that had brought them to Babylon. Then he completely turns the message into one of hope with two words: “BUT NOW”….

These words speak to me so strongly, even after months of thought and reflection. Isaiah is telling us all the plans God has for us. He sends His Son to us. There is hope for us. There is forgiveness. We can be happy to deliver that message in the glorious music of Handel and the words spoken to us over the centuries. It is in these thoughts that I return to our project. The Music and the Message. We are blessed. I hope you will join us again this year and bring others who feel the same and are willing to perform this masterpiece. I look forward to working with each of you this Fall. We start October 15!
Sincerely, Mike Beert, Conductor

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