2022 News

WNIU Holiday Specials
Rockford Choral Union’s 2023 Messiah performance (in whole or in part) will be featured on two radio stations! On Dec. 18 at 2:00pm, WNIU (90.5fm) will broadcast our Messiah performance. Click the button below for their schedule: Classical WNIU Holiday Specials We will also be heard on Saturday, Dec. 16 from 3-5pm on WTPB-LP 99.3fm (https://wtpblp.com/) Don’t forget to tune in! ....
WIFR Morning Blend Interview with Mike and Andy Gannon
Our Conductor, Mike Beert, will be interviewed by Andy Gannon during the Morning Blend (WIFR TV23) on Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 9:00am.(He might have a surprise guest with him!) ....
WROK Radio Interview
Tune in to WROK 1440am radio tomorrow morning (11/18) at 8:30am to hear our intrepid Conductor interviewed by Joe Dredge and Riley O’Neil! ....
Rehearsals are in full swing!
Rehearsals are in full swing for Rockford Choral Union’s 2022 Messiah performances! The Sanctuary is again ringing with the glorious sounds of Handel’s masterwork as we prepare for our performances on Nov. 26 and 27.If you want to sing with us this year, join us this Sunday at 2:00pm for our third rehearsal at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 920 Third Avenue, Rockford.Arrive a little early to fill out a registration form. Dues are $15, $10 for Students. Scores are available for purchase.Pl
Our first practice is almost here!
We will start rehearsals for the 2022 Messiah Performances on Sunday, October 16 at 2:00pm in the Sanctuary at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 920 3rd Avenue, Rockford.If you have sung with us before, you should receive a newsletter in the mail soon that will include a registration form and sponsorship form.Please mail in your registration form with your dues, or bring it to one of the first three rehearsals.If you did not receive a newsletter in the mail, there will be registration and sponsorship fo
From Our Conductor…
Greetings All!It seems like it’s been forever since we sang last year. It always does–so much has happened in the last ten months that it’s been a blur! However, so much has been imprinted in my head from last November’s performance. Lots of great musical things happened. Yes, we had to wear masks; yes, we had to stay socially distanced; yes, we had to rehearse in different locations. I remember telling you that the performance was going to be our best, and I personally t